DreadOut Wiki
Doni is the captain of his school basketball team. He likes to show his tough side a lot more than needed. He is also Shelly’s brother-in-law.

–Official Description of Doni

Doni Maulana is one of the five high school students trapped in the haunted abandoned village alongside classmates Linda MeilindaIraYayan, Shelly, and their teacher, Ms. Siska.


Doni appears as a fun-loving individual who also appears to be quite adventurous. He was the only one who thought that it was "awesome" that there was a dilapidated bridge accompanied by a desolate ghost town. Unlike the others, he doesn't seem visibly intimidated by his surroundings, shown when he blindly goes in the village, going head-strong into supposedly dangerous situations.


Doni appears as a young high school student. Throughout the game, he is seen wearing his school uniform, which consists of a white collared shirt and a pair of blue pants. He has relatively dark skin and his hair is swept up in a small spike. He also has a noticeable dark dot on his forehead.

History and Game[]

Early Life[]

Not much is known about Doni's life prior to the game.

Sometime before the discovery of the haunted school, Doni and his classmates went on a field trip.


Act I[]

At the beginning of Act I, he is wrestling with Yayan in the back of the car. He comments on how bumpy the road has gotten, then accidentally hit his head on the ceiling of the car. Noticing the broken bridge in front of them, he manages to warn Ms. Siska in time for her to stop the car.

Prompted by Linda, Doni clears the bushes and finds a path to the village, being the first one (if the player chooses not to go with him) to go into the village. If the player goes with Doni instead of observing the entrance with Ms. Siska, Yayan, and Shelly, he will comment about the apparent abandonment of the village to Linda and Ira.

After going to the front of the school, he teases Linda and Ira about their 'typical girl time' and enters the school alongside Ms. Siska, Yayan, and Shelly. After Linda and Ira go to check on the others, he goes to look for Yayan, who has disappeared during their visit inside the school. He then disappears like the others, leaving Linda alone in the school.

Doni, along with Shelly, Siska and Ira, was hiding in one of the classrooms of the school. After Possessed Ira attacked Ms. Siska, Doni managed to restrain her and bind her into one of the pillars. Prompted by Siska and Shelly, he went out to find a way out of the town.

Later, while walking through the forest, Doni was attacked by a Pocong Warrior. After managing to fend off the spirit, Siska's Genderuwo grabbed him and successfully killed him by crushing his bones. Shortly after, his corpse was possessed by Second Sister.

Don killed

Doni killed by the Genderuwo.

Act II[]

In Act II, Doni is found a short distance from the school. He is shown facing a wall with his back turned to Linda. Upon approaching him, it becomes obvious that he is possessed, and quickly tries to attack Linda. Alternatively, if the player decided to not approach him, after a while he will chase the character anyway.

After several close encounters with Doni, Linda escapes to an abandoned train wagon only to be cornered by him. He chokes Linda's neck and, after a while, the Second Sister that possessed him appears and chokes her instead. After Linda manages to escape to the next train wagon, while the debris is falling, the Second Sister that possesses Doni appears again, only to twist his neck, seemingly killing him. Linda cries out in shock over the death of her friend.

Dreadout 2[]

Doni's portrait is briefly seen alongside Yayan, Ira, Shelly, and Ms. Siska's portraits at the front of the class, where a candle is lit in their memorial. Also at the end of prologue retrospection of Doni and the rest of Linda's dead classmates from the field trip shows up in her classroom.



Doni is relatively friendly to Linda. Even though rarely seen interacting with her, he seems to be comfortable enough to call her by her nickname (Lin) instead of her full name (Linda).

When the Second Sister twists his neck, Linda becomes visibly distraught over the state of her friend, crying over his corpse. This shows that Linda really cares for each of her friends, including Doni.


As the only other boy of the group, Yayan and Doni act like good friends and have a healthy relationship. They can be seen play wrestling each other on the backseat inside the car in the very first cinematic of the game.


Doni and Shelly do not interact much during the game, but official sources cite that they are cousins through the marriage of Doni's sister and Shelly's brother, implying that they might have some level of interaction outside of the school context as well.

If the player interacts with Shelly after finding her, she will express grief over his death, hoping that he is now in a better place.

Ms. Siska[]

Doni is misbehaving a lot in Ms. Siska's presence. She seem to be tired of his behaviour but is also worried. When he ran off to the abandoned town along with Yayan, she immediately chases after him but struggles with catching up.


  • In the beginning of the game, Linda slammed the car door on Doni's head while he was attempting to get out. He remains "unconscious" for the rest of the cinematic.
  • Although Doni is excited about finding the path to the village and leaves everyone behind, there is a method to get him to walk with the others. The player should stand in front of Doni's way, preventing him from going any further, which manages to get him to walk with the others.
  • Doni's age is relatively old for a high school student. Implicates either he is Linda's senior or he was held back at least once.
  • Doni is the first character in the group to die in the game.
  • According to possessed Ira, Doni was already dead before he was possessed. This implies that the possessed Doni, which Linda encounters at the beginning of Act II, is actually his corpse. It seems that the Second Sister can move his body in an inverted manner, making him move like a doll on a string.
  • There is little inconsistency about this character's name in the game. In Act I, his name is displayed as 'Doni', but in Act II, his name is spelled 'Donny'.
  • In the comic Dreadout, He was revealed to be killed by a Pocong Warrior and a Young Genderuwo.

